Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
How do they do PRP?
The patient's blood is taken from the ulnar vein. Then he waits for an intra-articular injection for 20 minutes. During this time, the drug is being prepared. Centrifugation is used. It can be one- or two-stage. In the first case, it is possible to better preserve the integrity of platelets, in the second, their higher concentration is obtained.
Our website offers, among other things, the so-called PRP-Tubes for the production of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
After the preparation of PRP, intra-articular injection of the resulting plasma is performed. The injection site is anesthetized with an anesthetic. Therefore, the patient does not feel significant pain during the procedure. In terms of tolerability, it can be compared with intramuscular injection - unpleasant, but quite tolerable.
Some patients feel a feeling of bursting inside the joint. Especially in cases where a large volume of plasma is injected. After the injection, the doctor asks the patient to perform flexion and extensor movements in the knee joint so that the plasma spreads better in the joint cavity. After 10 minutes, the patient goes home. He does not need hospitalization and additional supervision.
Plasma can be used in courses of varying duration. Most often, PRP is administered 1 time per week. A total of 3 to 7 injections are required. The treatment regimen is selected individually. The doctor forms it based on the clinical situation and the purposes of using platelet-enriched plasma.