Be it any account email or financial, it is very important to secure your account with some gestures that only you can access. Similar is with the AOL mail login account and to secure the account you can use Face, fingerprint, or pin to sign in and access the account. So, if you are tired of typing in the passwords to sign in to the AOL account, then you can now use these gestures for the authentication process on your smart devices. Entering the password to sign in to the AOL account can sometimes look like a hassle process if you forget it. However, if your smart device is enabled with biometric authenticators such as fingerprint or facial recognition technology then you can easily log in and access your account. Through this article, we will discuss the steps to access the aol mail login account, so let us get started!
How to enable the Biometric sign-in?
Before we start to discuss the steps to enable the Biometric sign-in to access the aol mail login page, you need to understand few things. The option to enable biometrics as a sign-in method may not yet be made available to you. If you are presented with the set of options to enable it when you log in, then you need to follow the set of instructions that are popping on the screen at that point in time.
How to disable the Biometric sign-in?
Sometimes you encounter issues with the Biometric sign-in, such as no facial recognition and many others. In such cases, there is a need to disable the Biometric sign-in feature to access the AOL mail login page. Here are the steps that you need to follow:
First of all, you need to sign in and go to the AOL account security page.
Click on the “Face/Fingerprint/PIN sign in” option that is visible on the window.
In the next step, you have to tap on the “Remove” button.
Tap on the “Yes, Remove” to confirm your preference to disable the feature.
By the end of this topic, we hope that you are now clear with the set of instructions that are discussed here. However, we recommend you to visit the official website and get assistance in case you face difficulties in following the steps here.
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