We have made the article more in line with the USA Phone Number List search query by investigating which other questions belong to the topic. Among other things, we looked at the questions that appear under 'People also ask', also known as 'People also ask', which appears in the search results. In addition, we have the USA Phone Number List analyzed the top 3 positions by looking for which keywords they rank even more and which questions they answer. We have incorporated this in the text and added it as FAQ structured USA Phone Number List data.
We have listed the expert who checked the article USA Phone Number List at the bottom of the article with a link to a profile page of, for example, the hospital or clinic. By improving the relevance and authority of the article, the website also received more high-authority links. Even though we have been optimizing the content since the USA Phone Number List beginning of 2021, Google will only make any adjustments to rankings after an algorithm update. So we had to wait for the first algorithm update to see if the new content strategy took effect. Core updates (major updates) are often announced by Google, but several minor updates are also made USA Phone Number List throughout the year.
For this, it is best to keep an eye on the USA Phone Number List Google Search Blog. The first major algorithm update was in early June 2021, and positions skyrocketed right away. This upward trend has continued for almost a year now and USA Phone Number List the positions and organic traffic are now higher than they were before the drop. This increase is from the period June 2021 to January 2022 compared to the period before that (before the update). This update clearly had an effect mainly on the medical content of the USA Phone Number List website.